Got my boarders on the nature/anniversary quilt for my bro and his wife, though I am now thinking, "how safe will this wall-quilt be with their cats?"... I shouldn't even think about it! Anyway, I just have to machine applique the pieces now, baste, quilt, and bind. (I was to going to put a photo here, but it seems that that photo, and a few others were saved "in camera" and I don't know how to get them out!!! Will have to wait for my sonny-boy to come home and help me. Maybe tomorrow?) I also got my backing put together for my Sunflower quilt, in order to baste the layers at Wonky Bits tomorrow. ( Photo?) I am soooo impressed with myself!!! If you know me, you know that I work at a snails pace usually. I seem to work better under the pressure of a due date!! Mind you, I had also placed a condition on myself that I had to get at least 6 UFOs done and out of the way, and then I would deserve to buy myself a new sewing machine...a Pfaff!!!
Guess what I went and bought this afternoon!!!! Woohoo!!! A Pfaff 2056!!! Been waiting a whole year for this baby!!! And I deserve it!!! Don't we all at some point!

Learning to use this new Pfaff will take me many hair-pulling hours I am sure to figure out, but once I do.... I 'll be a motoring!!!
I shall sleep well knowing Pfaffy is in the house. 8-) Lord knows I need the sleep!!!
Nighty night!
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