No sewing or further gains on the tute for the Sweater Jacket. Instead, I spent the afternoon at the hospital with my parents, and have been exhausted since then. TV viewing is about all I am up to now.
While my parents were visiting friends last night, Dad had checked out for about 30 seconds, enough to give a scare. Within 30 minutes his coloring was back and seemed OK. But, for some reason the couple they were visiting gave them the idea that they didn't need to go to the hospital... Mom called me this morning to tell me of it all. I was not impressed! We met at the hospital just to make sure Dad is indeed OK. Luckily Dad is OK, but Mom knows now to go to the hospital for anything that is not normal, immediately after the fact, cause it could be the beginning of something worse. Big sigh.....
So no photos of any creating being done today, but I thought I would share a photo of DD2 with our friend's son, ready to go to their grade 12 grad dinner... I did create her grad dress! 8-)

She was having trouble finding a dress when shopping with all her slim girlfriends, so I found a bridal shop that specialized in size 16 and up gowns for us to check out. Well, a lot of the dresses were low cut, and DD2 does not do low cut, and didn't like much there. She was upset. She knew what she wanted, a Renaissance Dress, but could not find anything the like. So I took her to Fabricland, we bought a pattern (which I brought the neckline up about 3 inches), picked out fabrics and trim, and then it was Mom's turn to fret some. I had never worked with fancy, expensive fabrics before, but we were both quite pleased with the outcome, and she received many complements. She was the only girl at grad that didn't have someone else with the same dress...there were many that did..... 8-)
Going to church with the parents tomorrow and then to their place for lunch. Hoping to get some things done in the sewing room after that... Hopefully! 8-)
While my parents were visiting friends last night, Dad had checked out for about 30 seconds, enough to give a scare. Within 30 minutes his coloring was back and seemed OK. But, for some reason the couple they were visiting gave them the idea that they didn't need to go to the hospital... Mom called me this morning to tell me of it all. I was not impressed! We met at the hospital just to make sure Dad is indeed OK. Luckily Dad is OK, but Mom knows now to go to the hospital for anything that is not normal, immediately after the fact, cause it could be the beginning of something worse. Big sigh.....
So no photos of any creating being done today, but I thought I would share a photo of DD2 with our friend's son, ready to go to their grade 12 grad dinner... I did create her grad dress! 8-)

She was having trouble finding a dress when shopping with all her slim girlfriends, so I found a bridal shop that specialized in size 16 and up gowns for us to check out. Well, a lot of the dresses were low cut, and DD2 does not do low cut, and didn't like much there. She was upset. She knew what she wanted, a Renaissance Dress, but could not find anything the like. So I took her to Fabricland, we bought a pattern (which I brought the neckline up about 3 inches), picked out fabrics and trim, and then it was Mom's turn to fret some. I had never worked with fancy, expensive fabrics before, but we were both quite pleased with the outcome, and she received many complements. She was the only girl at grad that didn't have someone else with the same dress...there were many that did..... 8-)
Going to church with the parents tomorrow and then to their place for lunch. Hoping to get some things done in the sewing room after that... Hopefully! 8-)
I'm glad to hear that your scare about your dad was only a scare. Very classy grad dress.
So glad that your Dad is okay. Give him a hug for me tomorrow! And one to your Mom, too (I don't want her feeling left out!).
My stomach dropped when I saw "hopsital with parents". So glad you're dad is okay (and your mum too) Love the dress you made for your DD#2, it reminds me of the reanaissance festival dresses that women wear.
Hi Myra,
What a coincidence; my oldest is doing year 12 this year too, and we will soon be getting ready for the graduation dance. Your daughter looks lovely in her dress and you can be doubly proud having made it yourself. Glad your Dad is OK too. Friend from Aus. Kerry
Cool dress ... and bag that goes with it! Dances With Wolves is one of my favourites too.
Glad your Dad is okay now. The dress for your daughter is very nice. Nothing worse than going to a dance when so many other girls have the same dress. I made my daughters prom dress also. I think I still have it. Happy Sunday!
DD2 looks lovely, and her dress is beautiful. It is refreshing to see a young lady who is modest.
I'm glad all worked out with your father.
The dress looks wonderful! I hope they had fun.
Take care!
Lovely Grad dress! She looks radiant, & it suits her. Well done Mum.
They warn us over here about those little 'episodes'- can be small strokes. So glad your Dad is ok.
I know that little episode with your Dad must have been frightening. Your did right by taking him to be checked out at the hospital. Hope you had a nice lunch with your parents. Very nice job on the dress your made for your daughter.
So glad to hear your dad is ok. Very scary, indeed!
Love the dress. Your work is beautiful, as is your daughter!!!
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