What a weekend!
What a zoo!
Oh what damage and confusion!
* DD2 assumed/expected to move Friday night, but her "movers" (our family's guys) were not available... Nothing like making definite plans with people! 8-/
* Saturday the "movers" (our family's guys) are available, but she's gone for 6 hours bridesmaid dress shopping with a bride. So "movers" proceed to bring stuff up and out onto the deck in the latter afternoon anticipating her arrival any time...ya right!!!
(We've thought that, a couch set that was left in the basement here when we move in, was possibly impossible to make it's way up the stairs and out the door, but we told DD2 that she could have it, and were willing to give it a try.)
* Love seat went out the door no problem! Large corner table to set out the door no problem! They were just about to bring the couch up, and I went to walk the fur-girls.
* A 45 minute walk later brought us home to a couch stuck on the stairs and in the back entrance, a few choice words, and after another 45 minutes the couch was out, but...

This is what came of all that struggle and cursing... Door frame completely removed, part of wall bent into stairway, and big gouges in the entrance wall.... I mentioned to DD2 that we should have just let her take our living room set, as we hope to buy a new set soon. She mentioned what her mom said to her dad... well, lets just say that dad did not look too impressed after the fight up the stairs... Now DH has some more fixings to do around here. 8-/
* The first loads of the move pulled out of here after supper (7PM)
* DD2 probably just made her bed around 9-9:30PM, and she was planning to go to a corn-maze yet tonight!!!! No time for that now!!! Definitely did not have her priorities right this weekend!!! Big sigh...

AND... DDS (dear darling son) is having the girlfriend stay for the weekend because her place (that she shares with a bunch), was getting fumigated for bed bugs!!! Lovely!!! Along with her came her 2 rats, 2 lizards, and 3 loads of laundry (which she and DDS managed)!!! Her cat definitely could not come along...

DS's GF was an extra helper for the move... a move that is still not completed, and probably won't be tomorrow because DH and DD2 have plans to drive one of our cars 2-hours away for winter storage! Their priorities are still all scrambled!!! 8-/
Being that I am not much good for helping with a move, I stayed out of the way, did some hand stitching on the Sweatshirt Jacket's (SsJ) binding, worked on the tutorial for it quite a bit, did some bonding with DS's GF, walked the fur-girls with her, made supper, did the dishes, and now I am beat...
DD1 called today. She is hoping to be home by next week Sunday or Monday. "God, please bring her back home to us safe and sound..."
My dad is doing fine. He hasn't had the 24-hour heart monitor on him yet I don't think. Hopefully that will tell us what is up with him...
I hope that all your weekend has been a good one!

What a zoo!
Oh what damage and confusion!
* DD2 assumed/expected to move Friday night, but her "movers" (our family's guys) were not available... Nothing like making definite plans with people! 8-/
* Saturday the "movers" (our family's guys) are available, but she's gone for 6 hours bridesmaid dress shopping with a bride. So "movers" proceed to bring stuff up and out onto the deck in the latter afternoon anticipating her arrival any time...ya right!!!
(We've thought that, a couch set that was left in the basement here when we move in, was possibly impossible to make it's way up the stairs and out the door, but we told DD2 that she could have it, and were willing to give it a try.)
* Love seat went out the door no problem! Large corner table to set out the door no problem! They were just about to bring the couch up, and I went to walk the fur-girls.
* A 45 minute walk later brought us home to a couch stuck on the stairs and in the back entrance, a few choice words, and after another 45 minutes the couch was out, but...

* The first loads of the move pulled out of here after supper (7PM)
* DD2 probably just made her bed around 9-9:30PM, and she was planning to go to a corn-maze yet tonight!!!! No time for that now!!! Definitely did not have her priorities right this weekend!!! Big sigh...

AND... DDS (dear darling son) is having the girlfriend stay for the weekend because her place (that she shares with a bunch), was getting fumigated for bed bugs!!! Lovely!!! Along with her came her 2 rats, 2 lizards, and 3 loads of laundry (which she and DDS managed)!!! Her cat definitely could not come along...

DS's GF was an extra helper for the move... a move that is still not completed, and probably won't be tomorrow because DH and DD2 have plans to drive one of our cars 2-hours away for winter storage! Their priorities are still all scrambled!!! 8-/
Being that I am not much good for helping with a move, I stayed out of the way, did some hand stitching on the Sweatshirt Jacket's (SsJ) binding, worked on the tutorial for it quite a bit, did some bonding with DS's GF, walked the fur-girls with her, made supper, did the dishes, and now I am beat...
DD1 called today. She is hoping to be home by next week Sunday or Monday. "God, please bring her back home to us safe and sound..."
My dad is doing fine. He hasn't had the 24-hour heart monitor on him yet I don't think. Hopefully that will tell us what is up with him...
I hope that all your weekend has been a good one!
Oh my goodness! My head started to hurt just reading your post! Might as well charge admission for people to see the menagerie of animals and the damage done by the couch! LOL
Just trying the lighten the mood.....
Hope tomorrow is better.
My day was fine, it's everyone else in this house that are having problems! LOL!
You deserve a rest, & a chance to put your feet up, I just reeeeelaxxx!
Our brood all left home, one by one.... & all returned for various stays!
Whew, what a day that was!!!! Whatever will you do for excitement when DD1, DD2 and DS are ALL moved out and it's just you and R?
You should have found a quilting retreat that was going on this weekend and just disappeared! We moved a lot when we were younger and now I say they'll have to drag me out kicking and screaming. I never want to move again.
This would be a weekend from hell if I were you - but you managed it so peacefully. [I'm envious]
Goodness, gracious, me ... how have you survived ... I think I need some of the sedatives you must be on! LOL!
Hugs - Lurline.
My condolences LOL what a weekend that was .Ok now you have them all out,get rid of any extra beds ,change the locks on the doors and put no pets signs LOL Just kidding of course I've had my son return home twice I just give him the 30 day notice speech .Be out in thirty days or else LOL
Now they MUST hand you the Mother-of-the-year Award, you deserved it!
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