No stitchings the last couple of days. Life just gets in the way at times... 8-)
DH came home with a boat after work(2AM) this morning. Old, yes, but it works fine. Good for fishing, and the odd boat/camping trip. DD2 was very excited to hear that her dad did indeed buy the boat.

This morning over breakfast with DH, DS and the GF, we were talking about the annual fishing trip. Son commented that if Unc T could decided to go on this trip, he would not be crazy about the long drive towing his "big" boat. I told him that Unc T wouldn't have to take his boat as 3 will fit fine in our boat. ?..."What boat?" (DS always seems to be the last to know anything around here, as he does not listen half the time...) I told him "our boat! The one in the garage." It took some convincing him, and then we went out to the garage to have a look at it!!! He was amazed and pleased. 8-)
So now DH is happy with his new/old "toy". 8-)
DD2 bought DS's GF's lizards today... lovely... She also started a P/T weekend job with her friend Mk as coat checks at a local bar in the area... Don't know how they are going to handle it with their F/T jobs, but time will tell....
DD1 is apparently back on home ground tonight (from her trip out east). Safe and sound, thank God.

My dear darling fur-girls had 2 major fights, downstairs in the same spot, before 11AM today... We found out why when we were near there when a 3rd fight was about to start. DS's GF had a bag of food for the lizards on a chair there that both fur-girls were intrigued with... Food moved, problem solved! 8-)
Hope you are all having a good weekend!
DH came home with a boat after work(2AM) this morning. Old, yes, but it works fine. Good for fishing, and the odd boat/camping trip. DD2 was very excited to hear that her dad did indeed buy the boat.

This morning over breakfast with DH, DS and the GF, we were talking about the annual fishing trip. Son commented that if Unc T could decided to go on this trip, he would not be crazy about the long drive towing his "big" boat. I told him that Unc T wouldn't have to take his boat as 3 will fit fine in our boat. ?..."What boat?" (DS always seems to be the last to know anything around here, as he does not listen half the time...) I told him "our boat! The one in the garage." It took some convincing him, and then we went out to the garage to have a look at it!!! He was amazed and pleased. 8-)
So now DH is happy with his new/old "toy". 8-)
DD2 bought DS's GF's lizards today... lovely... She also started a P/T weekend job with her friend Mk as coat checks at a local bar in the area... Don't know how they are going to handle it with their F/T jobs, but time will tell....
DD1 is apparently back on home ground tonight (from her trip out east). Safe and sound, thank God.

My dear darling fur-girls had 2 major fights, downstairs in the same spot, before 11AM today... We found out why when we were near there when a 3rd fight was about to start. DS's GF had a bag of food for the lizards on a chair there that both fur-girls were intrigued with... Food moved, problem solved! 8-)
Hope you are all having a good weekend!
Wow! a new toy for DH that others can enjoy too? very kewl! When's the fishing trip? Does that mean you stay home and quilt til you wilt while he's fishing? A fab idea!
That's a cool 'old' boat! It looks to be in great condition. Your Mom's jacket turned out great. :-)
DH will be so besotted with his 'old' boat, he won't have time to notice your fabric shopping! Go for it, Girl!
Hugs ... Lurline.
Sounds like you live in a happening place!
Gotta love your fur girls. They're certainly not boring.
"life sometimes gets in the way"? you can say that!
So the lizards stay? You must be thrilled :(
Nice toy you're DH got.Looks cool!
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