Looks great Cd!!! 8-)

The fur girls enjoyed laying in the sun today, and having fun frolicking on our warmer walk...it was only 4 days of gray skies, rain and the cold...Yuck!!!
DH, DD2, and myself went to have our say in the big "Canadian Vote" around 5pm today... 8-) DS was working, and DD1 is in Nova Scotia still, so they had no say...8-(
DD2 gets the keys for their apartment tomorrow, so I am going with her for a look-see before I go quilting with my city group in the evening. She is very excited, and can't wait for DD1 to get home from her trip so they can have all their belongings in there, and set up home for themselves... I am so happy for her/them, and big time for me!!!! LOL! 8-)
Reminder...If you chose to follow the small mystery done by Myra Harder of Blue Meadow Designs, she posted her second week of instructions.
Hopefully I shall have some more show and tells for you tomorrow night, and get more of my stuff done, for a change, to show you...
What a lovely spooky quilt! And the girls are just lovely. They look like they are just a bit spoiled (as they should be!) :)
Glad you had a good time tonight. Love C's halloween quilt, it's too cute! See you tomorrow night!
Love the photo of your girls.
That wall hanging is great.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
I enlarged the ghost quilt and you're right, the tulle really adds to the quilt. I must try this sometime. Re the fur girls - great picture. You should post more pictures of the girls as they're very cute.
Love those ghosts! blessings, marlene
Cute ghosts!
Cute furbabies too. ;-)
The pups are so cute ,they'll keep you company now that your daughter has moved out .I'm sure you will miss her .Love the wall hanging ,it's really cute .
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