I forgot to post a few things yesterday....
#1.) The other day I noticed something new on my blog's"dashboard". It said I had a follower. I followed the lead, and it led me to figure out how to become a follower of someone else's blog, and it shows me on my dashboard who has updated their blog. It also showed me how other's can join a list of followers on my blog, which, when I click on their little profile photo, it takes me directly to their blog, so I can see what they are up to... Having this feature could help me clean up my long sidebar some... Besides my regulars that I keep in contact with, I would love to see who all follows my blog! Don't be shy! 8-)
#2.) My next post WILL INDEED BE... My "200th", and my Giveaway (info post) will be this coming Sunday 9 PM CDT!!! So, if you haven't entered my giveaway yet, now is the time to do so!
* Remember, if you are an anonymous commenter, or a Google member without a blog and your email address listed, I can't contact you if you win, so please make your info known to me through my email, or make a second comment with that info, and I will keep it to myself... I thank you in advance... 8-)
#3.) My dear friend Wk, who is not a quilter, but loves quilts and everything about them, has a coworker (or few) that does quilt. Every once in a while Wk emails me photos of quilts made by them... Yesterday I was supposed to post a photo of the most recent photo emailed and forgot, so here it is! 8-)
This was made by Mc for her brother's fiancé, and presented to her at the bridal shower. Apparently it brought lots of tears and applause... of course! LOL! Mc jokes, "Must get tears or you get to take it back!" LOL! I'm thinking her sister-in-law to be, is a cat person! 8-)
Thanks for allowing me to share your wonderful quilt with the world Mc! 8-)
What an interesting pieced cat - the tail is pieced and yet it has a bit of a "swirl" to it. Really nice. Re the fur girls - I enjoy your stories about them; interesting how they fight just like human siblings.
What a great quilt. I like the "must get tears or you get to take it back" comment. I gave a birthday quilt to an eighty year old gentleman earlier this year and he was so emotional I felt like giving him another one.
well you can count me as a follower, but as I have all my blog RSS feeds lined up in google reader, and LOVE their easy "subscribe" and "Next" buttons, don't think I'll be changing to blogger "follow" anytime soon :-)
Cute cats~ you can almost 'see' them swishing their tails!! :-)
I use Bloglines to keep track of my blogs. I noticed that I had a few followers though.
Cute quilt love the cats.
Hugs Mary.
That's a great kitty quilt!
Love the thread catcher and the tutorial was out standing loved it and am going to try to make one soon as i can.I enjoy your blog very much!
hugs ginger
Wow! 200th post! I've only done 147!
Love the picture of the quilt you posted! I also love the quilt! LOL!
Thanks for visiting!
And hopefully you'll get back in the sewing room, just like I hope to!
200 posts...you're a busy blogger. I love MCs cat quilt. I follow your blog but don't get a chance to visit often. :-)
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