Pd made this scenic wall-quilt about 2-3 years ago, but I had not seen the finished product as I was sick the day she brought it for show and tell. It nicely hangs up above a patio door in a room with a cathedral ceiling. Isn't it lovely? The orange/blue batik she used as the background is simply awesome! 8-)
So now, my "mess". I pulled out my scrap hexagon project to work on, happily stitching away today, only to be disappointed with the results once home... I think the photos basically speak for themselves...
Photo of the stitching I did today, and photo of the seam opened up shows my big booboo... 8-/

Photo of how it was supposed to be put together, sewn angle by angle to open flat, and photo of how I actually had it by folding it over and sewing it as is... What a waste of time... Time to rip... It will wait till tomorrow... Then back to the drawing board... 8-/

We've all done something like that so don't worry.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
sorry for the lost time, but at least its an easy fix :-)
The landscape quilt your friend made is so pretty. I wish your way of sewing together the hexes would have worked. It would go much faster that way. Reminds me of the time I made some half square triangles trying a different way, and came out with these cone shaped cup like things. I had forgot one of the cuts I was supposed to have made. TTFN...Lilly
Aw rippin' is sure no fun! Sorry you have to do some. :-( The hexes are going to be so neat though! And your friend's landscape is very cool. ;-)
Have a good weekend!
Ohhhhh gosh....I've been trying to English paper piece some hexagons..it's very lsow going for me....I wish I knew a better way.
thats why im not confident sewing on the machine as well i just make one mistakes aftere the other but youve looked at your project and thought about tackling it which is great... i have lots of different projects on the go so that id doesnt feel too boring just working on one. I love the latsest squares project that you are working on reminds me of the colours of Halloween.
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