My parents still had their Christmas decor up when we visited yesterday, thus I had the opportunity to snap a few photos of Dad's crafts. When he retired 15 years ago he had no plan of what to keep him busy. Twelve years back he bought a scroll saw, some very thin wood, patterns, paints and brushes. He has made lots of items, and has sold at craft sales... Just this past year, at 75, he decided that it is enough. His hands are not working as well as they once did... Here are but few of his creations he is keeping... 8-)

This Santa and Mrs Claus were made by a coworker of my Aunt's. Apparently the base is a liquid dish detergent bottle... Cute hey?
This is the ceramic nativity I had mentioned in a previous post. I made it for my parents in place of the larger set, that they had for years, that they gave me...
My cousin Joey from Calgary mailed my mother a big box of stitcheries that she can no longer do, due to eyesight changes... My mother in turn passed these lovely quilty cards Joey had made on to me, as well as a quilty cross stitch that I will attempt... Thanks Joey! 8-)Click on photo for a closer look. 8-)
Last but not least of the photos, is Ruby, begging for a lick of peanut-butter that I sometimes eat on toast for breakfast at the comp while catching up on blogging friends, and no, I don't let her lick my toast!!! How pitiful she can make herself look hey? lol! 8-)
DS has all the DVDs of "Lord of the Rings" which DH and I started watching last night... About once a year we have a Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter weekend, where we watch "ALL" the movies from that series... We had intended to start watching them on New Year's Eve... 8-) DSonny-boy gets his apartment today, and right now is in the process of loading his truck and our van. I wish he would wait till tomorrow... 8-/ That be it for today... We have some more visiting to do today. We are going to my cousin's house, DH's best bud from grade school. We met through this cousin... 8-)
Too bad your dad is having to give up his woodworking. He did such good work on the items you show in your post.
I like those quilty cards. I keep an eye out for cards like that.
Your Dad's painting and woodworking was fun to look at. I used to have an interest in that also. I have a jigsaw and all kinds of stuff. So I really appreciate his talent.
I also used to do counted cross stitch similar to the ones you got from your Mom. I have put that aside also. The world is full of fun things to do. I just need more time to do them! Enjoyed your post Myra!
Your dad's work is very nice. Bummer he has to give it up. The quilty cards are sooo great! Have fun and enjoy your visiting. May the new year hold lots of joy for you and yours.
What treasures those wood pieces are from your father, Myra. Your little Nativity that you made for your parents is so sweet. Just perfect for downsizing. Glad to hear that you don't let the dogs lick your toast! But how can you resist when looking at that face? Pretty pathetic I would have to say! :)
Stay warm,
Your Dads work is wonderful I'm sure it brought him many hours of pleasure .Love the Mr. and Mrs. Claus I've seen them somewhere made out of dish soap bottles ,there cute .How does it feel to be a empty nester ,at first I hated it but it didn't take long to start enjoying it LOL .
Poor Ruby, I know that look, it means please, please, give me something...
Oh the crafts that your dad has done is lovely I love the camel hee hee. Such ashame hes decided enough is enough. My mum gave me all her silk paints and silk things to play around with as she said the same that her hands are shaky and she just hasnt got time for it. I love the quilty cards you have been given they are nice.
I also love handmade cards swap.
Someone in blogland should do a pack of handmade card swap but on a quilty theme either material or paintings of quilt in a card.
I would have no idea where to start hee hee.
Glad you hear you all been having Lord of the rings weekend I love the costumes and the scenery. i also love Dances With Wolves it always makes me cry.
Loved your post today GF! I was thinking DH might enjoying doing the cross stitch?
Talk to you soon. Enjoy the rest of your visiting and movies!
With Love WK
Had to laugh - we just finished the LOTR trilogy (again!) and all the Harry Potter's (again!). They're addictive. ;-)
Such sad puppy eyes!! My Miss Milly loves toast and always uses that cute look when we are having breakfast! Love your Dad's work and your Nativity scene is very special!! Cathy
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