Last night DD2 popped in with 4 tank-tops that need shortening. I will be cutting them off and hand hemming them. I don't do well with stretch fabrics and sewing machines... Sad, but true. 8-(Having done some measuring and pinning on the tank tops last night, I thought to grab something else to do. My "Country Sampler" (photo with link in
sidebar) was basted and ready to go years ago, with plans of machine quilting it one day when I felt comfortable with my machine quilting. I learned how to thread baste on that quilt... Anyway, having had used spray basting for the last long while, I decided to pull out all that thread basting so that I could iron out my top and backing (after storing for so long), and start over with spray basting. I will hopefully get that done today/tomorrow...
Today I am thinking to get into that sewing room to sort and tidy... My monthly Country Rose night was to be tonight, but has been canceled due to the cold (-32C), so if I am knee deep in stuff I don't have any reason to stop...
Another dog fight to break up this morn... No bites on me this time, just a scratch on my leg... And the fur-girls were doing soooo well. No fights since Christmas Day!!! Little rascals...
I had a new visitor comment on my blog yesterday, thus I popped over to her blog. Brenda, a fellow Canadian, just started blogging this past December, and so far she has shown her progress on her lovely WIP, her Morning Star quilt top... Do pop in for a visit to welcome her to blogland... 8-)OK! I'm off the comp now to work on the tank-tops...
Enjoy this cold! We were in Wpg at our SIL and BIL's place and woke up to -36. We were glad we didn't have to drive in for DH's meeting at 10 this morning. It's perfect quilting weather and that's the best I can say about it.
It is really cold at your place, brrrrrr.
Glad you set foot into your sewing room Myra, even if it's to fondle some fabric LOL
It's cold here also tonight they are saying -25 Brrrr.
I don't blame you for going with the spray basting its all I use .These BOM have taken hold of me I finished the first block for three of them and have another to start .
We're getting that horrible deep cold too. Great excuse to stay in and stitch for a few days!
Good to hear you are back in the sewing room, Myra!
Hugs - Lurline♥
I know what you mean about sewing stretch fabrics . . . I had to do a pair of curling pants last year and was not proud of what I did - cotton is so much more fun! Your Country Sampler quilt looks wonderful - can't wait to see it quilted. Stay warm today! - Marlene
Hi Myra!~
Glad to see you are finding your 'mojo' again! You have a pfaff, right? I like to use the blindhem stitch (it looks like a zig and a few straight stitches) and the walking foot to do t-shirt hems~ it is pretty fast and turns out ok. Another favorite is a twin needle~ just turn up the edge and stitch from the front using the twin needle. ;-) Happy stitchin'!
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