I received another award!
This one is from Finn! Thank you! I enjoy your blog and creativeness also! 8-)
This one is from Finn! Thank you! I enjoy your blog and creativeness also! 8-)

1. The receiver is to copy the award button to his/her blog.
2. Link to who gave you this award.
3. Nominate at least 7 other bloggers.
4. Link to each nominees.
5. Leave message at the nominees blog.
Once again I am faced with only choosing a few, when there are so many creative bloggers that I keep in touch with. You all know who you are! I hereby award you all! )
You spread good vibes everywhere - congratulations!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Your blog is creative! I feel the same way about receiving these. If you just didn't have to chose only a few, it would be better.
Congratulations Myra, you deserve the award.
You enthusiasm and love of quilting is an inspiration to all.
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