Well, I did end up in my sewing room yesterday...eventually, and then I was in and out... It went kind of like this.
My sewing room is across from my bedroom, so in heading down the hall to the sewing room, I got distracted with the mess in my bedroom that I have been meaning to tackle also. So, I thought I might as well get that done, and I did! Feels good! 8-)
Then I headed into the sewing room and started sorting. Ironing area cleaned up and ready for use! 8-)
My sewing room is across from my bedroom, so in heading down the hall to the sewing room, I got distracted with the mess in my bedroom that I have been meaning to tackle also. So, I thought I might as well get that done, and I did! Feels good! 8-)
Then I headed into the sewing room and started sorting. Ironing area cleaned up and ready for use! 8-)

A trip to the kitchen's recycling box with sewing room paper junk led me to noticing my neglected dishes from supper last night. You're gasping I know... It happens often... So I cleaned that up, and went into the sewing room again and got to it... Sewing area cleaned up and ready to go... 8-)

Another trip out of the sewing room found me folding a laundry basket of clean clothes that has been waiting in the living-room for sluggish me... Done! Back into the sewing room... Cutting area cleaned off, and ready for cutting... 8-)

The fur girls got the comfy chair we share cleaned up first so that they could be in the room with me... They don't like laying on the hardwood floor... I really need to get/make a big dog pillow for them for on the floor...

Now, the items I got ready to work on... 8-)

I also managed to cut some more charm squares for my WIP pictured on my display wall by comfy chair. Today I will cut the lights... 8-)
So, all and all, I had a very good day yesterday, and feel really good about getting my butt in gear to do it all... Now if I can keep it up, even for just 3-4 hours a day, I will be happy... I need to find something to finish for the "One project a month challenge for 2009" for January... I have 16 days... hmmmmmmm...?
The 5 day forecast just told me that it is to go down to -43C tonight, and that it will be -2C on Sunday!!! Somehow I think they are wrong about that... Time will tell though!
Check out Mary Grace's awesome Tote Bag tutorial, and while you are there look at all of her wonderful creations... 8-)
You may want to check out "A Christmas Wish BOM" put on by Gail Pan Designs, which is another stitchery...
The 5 day forecast just told me that it is to go down to -43C tonight, and that it will be -2C on Sunday!!! Somehow I think they are wrong about that... Time will tell though!
Check out Mary Grace's awesome Tote Bag tutorial, and while you are there look at all of her wonderful creations... 8-)
You may want to check out "A Christmas Wish BOM" put on by Gail Pan Designs, which is another stitchery...
Thanks for all your support... On to visit some blogging friends... 8-)
You go girl! Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to seeing what you're going to do with all those HSTs on your wall...
Keep warm!
Wow! You were productive yesterday. Your sewing area looks great. Love the quilt on the design wall. Have a great day with lots of happy sewing.
Wow, way to go Myra! It's warmer down here~ want to come and tackle my disaster?? :-)) LOL One of these days I will need to find something and that will spark me to get it into shape. ;-)
Happy stitchin'!~
if the forecast holds i may be motivated to clean up my house too, to stay warm until the weekend! eeks its been miserable...
Wow, Myra. You have really gotten your groove back it would seem. I have been hearing on the news about how cold it is in your neck of the woods. It is supposed to be really cold here tonight and for the next few days, but not near like it is where you are. I think I am going to do the Gail Pan BOM and the basket one also. They look like they would be fun. I going to go post a picture of that block you wanted to see, Myra. Be careful and stay warm..TTFN...Lilly
You've been a very busy girl . . . feels good though doesn't it? I love the days when things actually look like something happened. Enjoy your "new" spaces! - Marlene
You have done really well! Myra, I have come to the conclusion is is impossible to keep a sewing room pemanently tidy if you are a quilter - we need so much equipment and so much variety in fabric, so how can we? It's not at all like dressmaking or knitting, etc. That's my story and I'm sticking to it - we all stress too much about sewing rooms!
Hugs - Lurline♥
My sewing room looks like a war zone right now...too many things on the go!
Your on a roll now Myra!
Julia ♥
Oh my gosh you sound just like me. One task to the next which distracts you to see another you want to do and then on and on! Some days I never get anything accomplished in this manner (end up making big messes everything) and then other days I am like a whirlwind and it gets all done. (sometimes what takes me a week to do, I can finish in a day). So go figure! The MAIN thing is that you feel good about what you accomplished, that is really GREAT! HI FIVE!
Keep warm - as always...YF WK
Well, all that work you did made me tired. Love your hard wood floors!
Hey Myra, your clean up project looks good too! Doesn't it feel great? Thanks for the plug for my tote bag tutorial too! I really appreciate it.
Try to stay warm!
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