I received a lovely haul of Phentex today. Some of it is knitted up that I will have to pull out... no prob! Gift from Jk, brought over by Wk. Thanks friends! 8-)

I know a lot of people do not like working with Phentex, but they make the best slippers that can last a very long time... I be a happy camper! 8-)

No stitchings today...yet! I had a PJ day... Yup! Stayed in my PJs all day... It is allowed every now and then, isn't it? Been working on a puzzle I received for Christmas. I love puzzles, and once I dig into one, I am not easily distracted... lol...
Anyone else have PJ days?
Anyone else have PJ days?
phentex makes the best slippers for sliding around and polishing the hardwoods!
Pj days are the best mental health days... though the cold last week seemed more suited than today in my mind :-)
PJ days? You bet! I have learned from experience to wear PJs that are t-shirt and pants rather than something more 'night time'. Even living 12 miles from town I have been caught in my PJs but, when it's t-shirt and pants, the visitor won't know for sure! I usually clean house in my PJs and then shower and dress but all day in PJs is the best. I'll be retiring from work at the end of the month and will have to train myself not to have PJ days every day!!!!
oh, forgot to add that I really dislike knitted slippers. I can feel each stitch under my foot - so uncomfortable.
As often as I possibly can. Some times I feel guilty about it and most times I tell myself "it's ok to do that". Ahhh those inner voices!
Good for you! I noticed the fur girls never get out of thier pj's and they have even been seen walking the streets in such fashion! LOL
Later GF!
Oh, I would love to have a jammies day. And I love puzzles! There is an award waiting for you at my place.
I usually have PJ days at the weekend if I'm not going anywhere and now my daughter (just turned 9) has started to join me -we catch up on reading and stitching or knitting .
I love PJ days. Even though I have to get dressed and take Stan out I get back into them when I come home.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
I usually wear my PJs most of the day. Thats one more of the joys of retirement! My dad used to love Phentex slippers. I had to mend the mends. When I decided to make him some new ones I couldn't find any Phentex. You scored!
I love PJ days! DH doesn't understand though, LOL.
I've been addicted to jigsaw puzzles since I was 2 years old. I still love them. Do you have a puzzle mat so you can roll it up and put it away if need be??
If you begin on a puzzle you have to finish it.
I still have some Phentex packed away in the basement somewhere . . . it really does make the best slippers. I'll have to dig some out and make a pair for my son - I made him some at Christmas out of just the regular worsted weight yarn, but I'm sure he'll go through those really quick! You've got more work cut out for yourself with that stash. Have fun! - Marlene
I have a lot of PJ or should I say nightie and housecoat days at my house, esp. in the winter. The days are so short, why get dressed? ;)
I just popped over here from, Brenda's "Days of My Life." This is my first visit, and I plan to return!
I had a great little answer to your pj's question earlier today and it just disappeared when I tried to post it!! So, I will answer you again, and say thank-you for the Phentex memories!!
My Grandmother made all 4 of us girls poncho's out of white and blue phentex, and believe me they never look old!! that stuff is made to last and last and last!! Enjoy your gift!!
I love having jammie days!! I wear my bottoms with a sweatshirt - I just love being comfortable. If I have no where to go, why get dressed?? lol!! ;-)
I am not much of a puzzle person, but it is sitting there, I have to sit and get comfy for awhile trying to see what I can do with it............ Your puzzle looks really neat! Do you do anything with them once they are done? Like make them into pictures?? I keep looking at your puzzle - it's an interesting one. My daugher has one on the go downstairs, it's almost making me want to go down and pull up a chair!! Here is to more PJ days!! Why not??? It is winter you know!!
I've never heard of Phentex - is it wool??
Good on you for the PJ's day!! I love PJ days...exactly why I'll be glad when this summer is over and the cool weather arrives. Mmmmm. Pj's, hot chocolate, cookies, sewing, and a nice Cary Grant movie!
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