The first photo is what it looked like on Nov 6th, the second photo across is from this morning... I'd say th
at pile of snow is close to 3 feet high (85cm). Want some? FREE! 8-)What happened to those days that I loved the thought of the snow coming? To go out and play in the snow every day? Build snowmen, forts, and go tobogganing... It didn't feel cold out cause we were sooooo busy playing...

Then came my children with the same love of the snow, and I along with them for the most part... Now, beyond a day of light snowy flakes, I could certainly live without all this snow... 8-/
It was -33C out there first thing this morning, and that is with no wind-chill at all. Our high for today is -27C. Maybe it is time to move to some place warmer? But where? Seems temperatures and weather conditions are changing all over the world! 8-/
How about you? What conditions could you live without out your way? Or, how has the conditions changed?

DH has raised my sofa, love seat, and chair! Yahoo! I had hoped that he could do it soon! He brought them all up 4 inches, which makes a world of difference on bad knees...Today DH is fixing things up electrically so that I can use my stove top AND my dryer at the same time... Remember we changed from a gas stove top to an electric? I only had one "big" outlet for the two, so now he is making a second... All done, but it doesn't work just yet, so he is still trouble shooting...
Our visit to my cousin's on Friday night had us playing Nintendo Wii for the first time. It was really fun! We bowled, played baseball, and did boxing... I think we may have to get that game when we fix up our rec-room... 8-)
Lastly, cleaning up our Christmas ornaments, I thought I would share a crafty one with you... This little bear is made of one round tree ornament from the store, a bunch of different sized pompoms, ribbon, and plastic eyes and nose. Click on the photo for a closer look if it interests you. A child's name and the year can be drawn on with a gold or silver colored paint pen of sorts... 8-)
I bet you are all thinking, "when is that girl going to get her butt into the sewing room?" Well, I'm wondering that too.... 8-)
It looks pretty much the same here. Whatever happened to global warming????
my dear son has a teddy bear ornament ust like yours but in bright red! Hi step mom gave it to him about the time she married his father... A wonderful ornament and well loved in our family.
Good for you guys on your progress with the couch! Looks just fine too! That should tide you by for now right?
Don't worry about your projects, you have a whole 2009 to look forward to!
It was good to see you yesterday.
Enjoy your day!
Myra, I dont know what its like to have snow. It doesnt snow here. It gets very cold that you have to break the ice on the stock troths so the cows can have a drink but no snow (as yet). Today its is going to be 38.C here so we will be in the pool I would say.
Your couch looks great and it will be better for the knees.
Cute little teddy ornament for christmas. Well done
Box up as much as you like and send it over here Myra. Nudging 40 degrees here yesterday and the next few days. I have had the air conditioner running non stop. Would give anything for something cold.
Wow..that is A LOT of snow. We haven't had any yet. Your husband sure is a handyman to be able to do all of the things he can do around the house. The ornament is really cute also. Have a great day!
I love that idea of sending the snow somewhere for free, LOL Where could we send it to anyway?
Glad you had fun with the Wii. The morning after I played bowling on it my arm and shoulder were sore, LOL
The Wii is definitely tons of fun.
I've been avoiding my sewing room too for the last few days, hmmmmmmmm
We don´t have snow here now. Maybe not unusual it always comes and goes, all sorts of weather the same day!!!
We should house swap around this time a year, we live in Australia/Brisbane east coast and I would love to be in the cold.
We have airconditioning for the realy hot days.
Happy New Year Myra ! but it's a DRY cold - see you Wednesday - Y
I will pass on the snow! Sorry that you are having such cold temps where you are! I would take the handy hubby though! I have afew things that I need done around here....
Oh dear, isn't this place calle Winterpeg LOL..sorry Myra, I lived in Thompson for 26 yrs and this year we retired and move to's a little warmer but humid, not used to this yet lol...and the dumping of snow is all over so we can't run from it. lol...need to cuddle up under one of the quilts and stitch up a storm LOL..not snow though,,,happy stitchin...Lise
Just to the south of you a little way...we look much the same. Ew. So. Sick. Of. Shoveling.
Does your husband hire out? We don't have a Wii...but I can cook. He'd be so very busy...he wouldn't have time to Wii. lol
Hey GF, time to get sewing. It will help all that snow melt and you'll be ahead on your One project a month goal(I joined too but haven't taken down the NYE as yet). It should be FUN!!!
Love your bear ornament, will have to keep that one in mind. Big hugs for a Happy New Stitching Year, Finn
You can send some of that snow my way. I would love to see some;-).
I was complaing about the foot of snow we have, but you have so much more - and it gets so cold up your way!! I used to love to play out in it too, but now it I just want to stay inside and quilt.
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