Photo 1 - This is my "Block Holder/Tote". I made it in 2006 when I joined a BOM (block of the month) at a local quilt shop, to carry my blocks to and from. The cover is a panel I came across at some point. From I know not where... Bad memory! 8-/
Photo 2 - This is the Block Holder partially opened up. Unlike most, I put flaps of fabric on the three sides, of each side, to help protect my blocks.

Photo 3 - And this is the Block Holder opened up more to reveal it's contents. On one side I have all my BOM sampler blocks that my Wonky Bits Group (then known as the Quondo Quilters) did when we first gathered as a group. Quite a few ladies were not quilters, so we thought this was a good way to introduce quilting to them. And on the other side I have my blocks from the 2006 BOM I joined at a quilt shop. Both sets are UFOs to be worked on.... soon! 8-)
Here are two of my blocks from my country group. My Sunbonnet Sue post, initiated by Hazel and JulieQ's posts, still needs some embroidery on the flower, and Overall Sam needs an embroidered flower. Click on image for closer look...
We are off to W & J's 25th wedding anniversary celebration this afternoon. At some point during Mass they will renew their vows, and after Mass have a brief reception with the parish, and then we are off to dinner with a few close friends. It will be a good time! Always is with W & J! 8-)
Till later....

We had a really nice meal and visit with T(bro) and L(s-i-l). They spoiled us with flowers and wine, and we sent them home with their quilt and a curtain rod to display it on. I do believe they like my gift to them! 8-) I received nice complements from them, and was told that the colors would go nice in their place... I knew they would. 8-) I even got a big hug from T... that doesn't happen very often. That was nice... T does a lot of woodworking, so he knows the time and effort that goes into making handmade items, so he is very appreciative.
L helped me out a lot tonight with one of my frustrations. I was telling her how I get my photos onto my comp. (go downstairs to DS's comp, insert memory card and save to his comp, email chosen photos from his comp to mine comp upstairs, go back upstairs and proceed with email, photo sizing, and blogging...pain in the butt) L was telling me about a cord that can connect to our comp and my camera to load the photos directly onto my comp... After bringing out my box of camera accessories we found THAT cord... and the Kodak software (that I thought my comp was tooooo old for), and L proceeded to "take care" of that frustration on mine. I am happy to say, the photos on this post tonight, or morning by now, was loaded directly from my camera onto MY computer!!! Woohoo! Thank you L!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! 8-)
Dishwasher is on, and I'm off to bed now...
Maybe I should have mentioned a tidbit about the pattern pictured with the variegated fabric that I showed you at the bottom of my previous post. It can be found in the September 2005 Australia Patchwork & Quilting magazine, Vol 13 No 8. It took me about a year after getting that magazine to come upon that kind of fabric. I was sooooo excited at the find, you would have thought that I would have finished that quilt by now... NOT EVEN STARTE
D YET... in fact, I don't think I even washed the fabric yet!!! Can you relate? 8-)Good news, my bro and sis-i-l are available for a BBQ Saturday, so I will FINALLY present them with their 25th Anniversary gift. Their anniversary was in April... What can I say, I don't get these bright ideas (light-bulb moments) until the event is right upon me... Sad, but true...My next bit of focus will be on another baby quilt. My cous that became a first time Gram in May is expecting grand-baby #2... yesterday... 8-) I thought it was to come mid August, so the longer time has passed without word, the more curious I was getting, until we talked yesterday. Babe not due till END of August... DUH! Re
member I have a baby girl quilt top ready since May. The baby boy quilt top made shortly after that got made up for the first grandchild Ezekiel. So, now I need to get started on another baby boy... or unisex quilt top... fast!!! With my luck it WILL be a boy, and then the rush will really be on! YIKES!!! 8-)
Just heard, the babe is here, safe and sound, born early this morn, new Mommy doing well too. It's a GIRL!!! ...and the shower is on Sept 14th, so I best grab that quilt top, batting, backing, and get a move on it! 8-)
The "fur-girls" are patiently waiting to take me on their walk. You may be fooled by thinking they are sleeping, but as soon as I get my butt up from this chair they will beat me to the door! 8-)
Yes! You read it correctly! I am done! It took a heck of a lot longer than it should have, but I am done with the "Anniversary Quilt" for my brother and his wife! FINALLY!! Thumbs up! Woohoo! Doing the happy dance, woohoo, the happy dance! 8-)
Hopefully my bro and s-i-l will be available to come for a BBQ this weekend for me to present the quilt. All I need to do is buy a rod for them to hang it on. I hope they like it! They are avid outdoors people. The next, and FINAL pho
to of this quilt, will be with them receiving it. Then I'll wash my hands of it, in a happy way of course... 8-)
The label...
Yesterday was Crescentwood quilt night, which I ended up staying home (I hear I missed a good time) feeling bagged... thinking it was just "that" time of month, and then this morning, when taking my meds I realized I took the wrong one the morning before!!! I took my med that I take sometimes to help me sleep... DUH! No wonder I felt bagged all day!!!! How stupid is that!?! Sheesh! 8-( Don't laugh too hard Crescentwooders!!!
Anyway, today was our Wonky Bits quilt day, which I did make it to. Friend Es made a wonderful Blueberry Cheese Cake in celebration of her birthday. As well, J brought a carrot cake in celebration for her birthday, so we were well fed for the day. Can you say sugar-fix? Yum! 8-) BTW J, I took the left over cake home... My kids say thanks! 8-)
First thing we did this morn was give Kn our opinions of the background fabric that she picked out for her Peacemakers Project. Its a beautiful green Batik. $5/yd at Millend Textiles in Fargo... I thinking I hear another trip calling me.... 8-)
We all agreed she picked a great fabric!!! Click on the photo to see her lovely work on her blocks... Kn has been working on these blocks for a few years. A few more blocks and she is well on her way to the finish. 8-)
Kn also had this lovely table-runner to show. She doesn't like it, but we all do!!! 8-)
This is Lp's Batik Turning Twenty Again. She is making this for her daughter to hang in her new house. Beautiful colors Lp!!! Looking good! We helped her sandwich it today... 8-)
This is Jb's sampler. We all did sampler blocks about 3 years ago. She is the second one to have it put together out of 6 to 7 of us... At least I think she is? Great job Jp! I hear another UFO calling me... 8-)

Next we have Cd's Apple Bag. Cd made this bag about 3 years ago. She totes it to our quilt groups most times. I just love this bag! I may need to make one myself! 8-)
And then there is Pg's work of today. She is following a TUTORIAL on 2nd Avenue Studio's blog... The link takes you directly to it, and while you are there take a look at her blog too. 8-)
Lastly, is another photo of some of my stash that is waiting for my attention. If you click on the photo you can see the quilt I want to make with this fabric...
OH! I forgot to mention, I signed up for Finn's New Years Eve Challenge.
Go to her blog here if you are interested, and if you aren't, go check out her blog. She is a very talented lady! 8-)
And there you have it! Another good quilty day! 8-)
We hadn't been to a wedding in ages! Yesterday we attended our old neighbors (outside the city) son's wedding. It was a lovely affair, though the weather could have been a wee bit nicer out. At least it wasn't raining! 8-)
First photo is of the Mr & Mrs coming out of the church, bagpiper and all... 8-) Then we were off to the reception...
A pic of the wonderful meal that we had. Good old perogies, cabbage rolls, mashed potatoes, carrots, caesar salad, meatballs, chicken, roast, and all the trimmings...
And for desert, cut up fruit, angel food cake, and mini marshmallow, all to be dipped into a chocolate fondu. Yes you read righ
t, a chocolate fondu!!! On each table! Mmmmmm....... 8-)
And then, just because your children are all together, they revert back to childish fun, by roasting their mini marshmallows over the tiny tea-lights that graced the table... 8-)
After the meal and speeches we have the happy couple doing their first dance as Mr & Mrs...
Then we have our dear friends/neighbors dancing when the parents join in...
And the daughter/sister dancing with her wedding party partner, the bride's brother...
Our DD1 doing a polka with her Daddy. The only dancing our family did that night. DH wanted to go up for a slow dance with me, but I declined. Harsh hey!? But I told him that I would dance a slow dance with him if he dances other dances with me... it didn't happen... as usual!!! .... I love dancing... 8-(
New Mr & Mrs doing the cutting of the cake...

And here are our 2 daughters posing with the friend's daughter. They played together as pre-schoolers when we all first met. Time sure flies by quickly... Now the first one of our families, their son, is married... 8-)
And finally, a photo of my DH and myself. Though you can't really tell on this pic, I did my hair for the event, of course, and my son even commented on it!!! That is a shocking thing since he barely notices anything, or things that go on around him most times...
We had a wonderful time sharing this momentous day with our dear friends. We pray for all things good for S & S's new life together...
And now, to add something on the quilting end of things, I direct you to Coffee-time Quilt Studio to see an adorable children's quilt I found while viewing blogs this morning...
So, there is no thunder and lightening, just raining this afternoon, so I plug in my Pfaffy to get the AQ done.... ? ..... Hmmmmm? Pfaffy not working!!! WHAT NOW!?! Big sigh..... I call my Pfaffy dealer, explain what isn't and is happening, and it is suggested that I bring it in to get looked at, and serviced if needed..... ? ..... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo................. NOOOOOoooooo............. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......
I JUST CAN'T WIN with this AQ!!! It is not meant to get done! I'm convinced!!!!!
OK.... On the positive side, it is great that I got my label done on Pfaffy when I did, and I can finish up the rest with my Kenny.... Still sighing....
Had company this afternoon. My good friend Wk. Her and hubby Jk will be renewing their wedding vows on the 31st for their 25th anniversary, ours is next year, but we will not be renewing our vows... perhaps just receive a blessing. We had a good catch-up visit, and then I made supper.
Now I'm avoiding the sewing room..... 8-(
TV sounds good for tonight...
Here is another photo of some of my fabrics. This is my landscaping, animal, housing fabrics. That brings to mind another quilt that I wish to make.... So much to do, and plodding along tooooo slowly to get anything done!!! I still have a baby quilt to complete, but I am waiting to see if it is a boy or a girl.... Perhaps I should make unisex baby quilts from now on.... Good idea Myra!!! 8-)
Got my binding cut, pressed ready to go. I finished up my label, the sleeve, and am ready to put it all to the quilt, and it starts lightening, thundering, and raining late this afternoon... Assuming that I shouldn't be using my computerized Pfaffy during all this, I stop, unplug, and decide to make supper... A couple hours later I sit here not wanting to do much, thus I watch TV as I play on the comp... My sewing will have to wait for tomorrow... 8-(
Here is a photo of my Christmas fabrics... I am hoping to make a few Christmas items this year. Table toppers, maybe little a wall-quilt... My hopes are always bigger than my motivation and energy, but I keep plugging along, and what gets done, gets done! There is always next year... 8-)
Well, I don't have much to show for tonight. Fewer gals than normal, but we had a good time...as per usual! Great bunch! 8-)
Sd made a lovely punch for us to enjoy! Thanks Sd!!! It were delicious! 8-) The gals were busy with their stitchings, but not many ready to get "photographed" yet... Only Dp had a show & tell for us to oogle over, her paper-pieced quilt... Great colors for Fall. Isn't it awesome!? I love the movement in it... Great job Dp...as usual!! 8-)
Myself, I am still plugging away at my applique on my paper-pieced Log Cabin project. I shall post a "new" photo of the quilt-top/flimsy in my sidebar once I have all the applique and stitchery done on it. I avoid bringing my sewing machine if I can... thus, I always have some handwork to bring along on my quilt outings. 8-)
I also brought along the anniversary quilt with some fabric I was thinking of using for the binding. (Was going to use the boarder fabric, but last week the green was discussed as a much better option, but had no more of that green left, thus found what I hoped would be a good substitute.) Anyway, the gals all agreed that it will work fine with the rest of the quilt, so I am going for it tomorrow! Woohoo! 8-)
Thought I would sneak another photo of some of my stash I came across while organizing my closet yesterday... By the way ladies, I am not for hire for your closets! It was a suggestion for me tonight... LOL! 8-) These are my black and whites that I have a plan for, but need to get past more UFOs first, and yes the red plays a part in it. ...?... Just thinking to myself here... I wonder where I put the pattern for this!?! ...?... Always something to hunt around for isn't there!!! LOL! 8-)
Hello people! Just thought I would let you all know that Gina has a slide show of photos from her trip to Festival of Quilts. Believe me, you will need to have your cup of coffee in hand, and have a nice sit to watch them all! Some beautiful quilts, and some are really artsy. 8-) Go to her Quilting in the Valleys blog to see.
I thought that Quilt Pixie was on to something in her last post, thus dug in to my own mess. Even though the whole room needs tiding/organizing, I thought that what I have in this post was good enough for today.
First we have my Fat Quarters Basket. The mess, and now the tidy... I think it is time to do some cutting and make some strip quilts... AFTER I get my other stuff out of the way... 8-)

Next is the messy shelves, and then my tidy shelves! I have fabric stashed in there like you wouldn't believe!!! Well... maybe you would?! 8-) (there are boxes of other fabrics that I photographed, but will post them tomorrow maybe) In back of the front row of cottons I have my polar fleeces, cord, polyesters, etc. Very deep shelves... 
While tidying I found something, folded and rolled, that I made a very long time ago. In fact, before I was married 25 years ago. I crocheted "the Lord's Prayer" about 4 times the size than it should be.
A friend of my mother's made one of these, so I asked if I could use the pattern. Well, I used thicker cotton, and a bigger hook, thus 4 times bigger... My parents tried to mount it for display, but they didn't use strong enough wood to hold it. My plan now is to have it mounted and hanging in a new church we are fund-raising for. Once it is stretched over a dark fabric the wording will show up much better....
Well, that is it for today... I think? 8-)