Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuesday Tidbits...

I was playing around in "Paint" a bit with Holly Jolly today. Julie suggested a pale green, QGB agreed with Julie and added the thought of the yellow, and CMC also suggested a yellow but thin inner boarder. Although the colors are off, I made this up to see what might look best. Yellow, red, green, maybe off white, for an inner boarder.... I know I do want teal for the outer ... Click on the photo to see a bit better...I even managed to fake a binding in there...LOL! 8-)

No stitching today, folded laundry, enjoyed the fresh air on the deck with the fur girls for a bit, grocery shop, made supper... You know! .... those "have to do" kind of things.... 8-/

Any of you bloggers interested in dressed up dolls? Check out this post on Brenda's blog Ageing Wisdom. She had 10 dolls featured there, as well as a doll quilt and pillows... A very crafty lady that Brenda is! 8-)

I just discovered Heather (she left a comment) 8-) Go to her blog "Quilt or Stitch?" and check out the lovely quilt she made for her grandmother! That is one lucky grandma!!! In her comment to me she mentioned working with the Holly Jolly fabrics too, so, you know, I had to look! Have a peek! 8-)

I love all the traffic/comments I've been getting the last few days. So many "new to me" blogs to investigate! Some more very talented quilters/stitchers to get inspired by. I will eventually get to visiting each one! 8-)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Mindless Monday...

That is about it! Its been a pretty mindless day... Laundry and some no think sewing... I feel good about getting my blocks from the Holly Jolly charm packs all put together today! Its the Disappearing 9-Patch pattern. I think I will go looking for some fabric for a boarder this week sometime. I am thinking of a teal blue for an outer boarder, but am stumped of what to use for an inner boarder...but does it need an inner boarder. And this Candy Cane fabric that goes with it, I think I will use for the binding. It was the only bolt of fabric they had that went with the charm packs. How lucky will I be if I find some other fabric that goes with that line... It will be a pretty colorful quilt, thats for sure!

I also got some fabric cut into 5" charms to go with these HST that I had played with a while back. I should have bought another 1 or 2 charm packs for that one at the time.

DH's youngest cousin popped in for coffee on Sunday. We haven't seen B for about 3-4 years, and before that, about the same amount of time, etc. Hard to believe at times that he is a grown man as he was only a little 12 year old when we got married...He ended up staying for supper which he really appreciated since B lives on a bachelor's fast food diet. Yuck!

And last but least, the fur girls rough-housing while Mum is sewing...
Our little Ruby is 1 year old now! Time has flown sinc
e I brought home that little 3 pound fur ball, and Dora has been so happy having a playmate... ? ... and yes the fight as siblings do... 8-)

I must say, I am overwhelmed some at the number of people commenting for my giveaway! Wow! That's awesome! 8-)
I've noticed a few gals d
on't have a blog, or a contact email... hmmmmm?

That be it from me for today... time to get caught up on my blog hopping! 8-)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Traveling Thread Catcher/Pincushion Tutorial

I hope this works! I may fudge with this post a bit to get it right...excuse any and all spelling errors... And if something does not seem to make sense, please let me know... 8-)

We start with the supplies to make the Thread Catcher.

1 - fat quarter print for bag and anchor
cut 1 piece 7" x 16" (18cm x 41cm)
cut 2 pieces 5" x 7" (13cm x 18cm)

1 - coordinating fat quarter for lining & pincushion

cut 1 piece 7" x 16" (18cm x 41cm)
cut 1 circle 8" (20cm) in diameter

thin batting
cut 1 piece 7" x 16"
(18cm x 41cm)
cut 1 piece 5" x 7" (13cm x 18cm)
and scrap polly batting to stuff pincushion

1 - ceramic tile approximately 4" (10cm) square

1 - 5" x 5" (13cm x 13cm) piece of kitchen slip-proof shelf liner

hot glue gun optional

I used an appropriate sized plate as my circle template for the pincushion.

Once you have all your pieces cut out and ready, it is time to head on over to your sewing machine...

On top of your 5" x 7" piece of batting, place 1 same sized cut piece of printed fabric good side up, then the slip-proof material, and finally your second same size piece of printed fabric good side down.

Line all these 4 pieces up at one short end.

1/4 inch seams...
Starting at the long end where the slip-proof material is short from, backstitch and sew one long side, pivot and sew the short side that has the slip-proof material, pivot and back down the other long side finishing off with a backstitch.

Trim off corners just beyond the stitched corner, but not too close.

From the inside take hold of the printed fabric piece and batting, and turn the whole piece inside out.

Make sure the slip-proof/print section is on the opposite side of the batting/print side.

Use a pencil or something to push the two corners out nicely.
Notice the pocket that this section makes...

With slip-proof side up tuck the ceramic tile into the pocket, making sure that the batting is under the tile.

Check, make sure they fall into the proper order here...
Now tuck the tile all the way down to the bottom of the pocket.

You should use your zipper-foot for this part.
Take a piece of paper and lay it down on the bed of your sewing machine. Place slip-proof side of your pocket down on top of paper (the paper helps with the sticking) Feed paper and all under the needle. Backstitch, and sew the tile into the pocket. Sew with foot right up against the tile for a snug fit. Finish off with a backstitch.

Rip the paper away from your stitches and you will see the slip-proof material is nicely tacked down.

On the top side it shows that the tile is snuggly in place. From here on in this piece will be known as the anchor.

Take the 7" x 16" print fabric and lay it good side up on top of the 7" x 16" batting. Fold over the short side to the short side and stitch the layers together remembering to backstitch start and end. You now have a short tube.

Now take the 7" x 16" lining piece, good side up, fold short side to the short side and stitch as in last instruction. You should end up with another short tube. Turn your lining tube right side out.

Insert the lining tube into the printed tube with right sides facing, lining up the two seams, and keeping the batting to the outside.

Where the seams meet, insert the finished end of the anchor between the print and the lining, with the slip-proof material facing the print, and the printed side of the anchor facing the lining. (this is a tricky part...easily confusing)

Center the anchor between the seams (open the seams to avoid too much bulk) of the two layers and line up the raw edges. Pin anchor in place, and pin around that whole upper edge.

This is a good time to double check that you have the anchor positioned correctly. Turn your tube upside down. Lining, top of anchor, slip-proof side of anchor, printed side of tube... Am I confusing you yet? This tutorial stuff is not easy! 8-)

Starting at the seam, backstitch and sew around the whole top smoothing the layers together as you go...

All the way around, removing pins as you go of course, and ending with a backstitch.

Now, turn your printed side to the outside.

You should end up with a tube like this, with the anchor well attached.

Insert your hand through the tube, grab hold of the print and pull through.

Your batting is on the outside again, and your lining is well away from the bottom raw edge.

With the seam open and centered, line up the raw edges together, and stitch shut. Remembering to backstitch...

Now you have the bottom of the outer part of the thread catcher stitched closed.

Push the bag right side out.

If you lay this out flat you will have the outer bag portion to one side, and the lining laid out to the other with raw edges.

This part is optional, but since this will be a giveaway I will finish it off nicely. 8-)
Fold the raw edges under a 1/4 inch and press.

Then take your nicely pressed edge to the machine and stitch closed.

Done the stitching, tuck the lining into the printed bag and smooth out the upper seam.

Wrap a piece of paper around your slip-proof anchor and pin in place. (This avoids sticking frustrations.) Starting at the center seam, top-stitch all around the upper edge of the bag approximately a 1/4 inch from the edge.

Now you have the thread catcher done. On to the pincushion.

Take your cut circle, and baste all the way around, anywhere between 1/4" (1/2cm) and 1/2" (1cm) from the raw edge. You can do this with thread and needle (I use double thread), or baste using your sewing machine.

This is what it should look like at this point.

Take both ends and start to pull to gather...

When at this point you are ready for the stuffing.

Take your piece of pantyhose and stuff your scrap polly batting into it. Using the pantyhose is of course optional. I feel it helps make the pincushion a bit firmer.

Snug it all in and tie it up to hold.

At this point, place it into the prepared circle of fabric.

Pull your basting threads tightly to snug up and close off. Tie threads to hold.

This is your pincushion. You can attach any form of pincushion you want of course, but this one is great for traveling.

At this point you put hot glue from your glue gun on the back of the pincushion and quickly center it onto the top of your anchor. You may need to tuck some glue under here and there. If you do not wish to use glue, you may stitch it down... not easy though...

And here you have it. Front view...

Side view, with a few pins, and now to show you how to travel with it.

Take your anchor part.

Fold it up.

Tuck it into the bag/pouch part.

And you have it ready to tuck into any of your project bags/boxes.

Very handy to set up right beside your sewing machine.