Stockings, and a Mitt it will be!!!
I don't post for a few days, just here and there over the last few weeks, and today I post twice! Go figure!?! 8-)Yesterday our DDs were over doing some more Christmas baking here, and were wondering about a stocking for DS's girlfriend. To tell you the truth, I didn't even think about it!!! So today I put something together for a guest visitor. Over the last few weeks I have been seeing large mitts made, or/and hanging, in place of Christmas stockings. So this one will hang along side our stockings this year... 8-)
It is pretty big, so should fit quite a few goodies in it! 8-)
Can you believe this? I have not yet brought out any of our Christmas decorations, or done any shopping yet. Yup! That's right! I tend to get very overwhelmed with even just the thought of it all. Our immediate family hasn't even picked names yet, cause the kids drag on making their lists till the last possible moment.
.. Thank goodness I don't have to buy for everyone anymore, so that does cut down on "a minute bit" of my stress with regards to Christmas... I still wish it was January already though... 8-/
Here is a photo of the gift we gave to our friends the other night too... 8-)
love the giant mitten. What a great partner to a stocking
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Nice mitten Myra! We know how great mittens look hanging on the mantle here. Sewing one I'm sure was a lot faster than the knitted ones I made, but so very cute and clever. I think it's nice to have something for visitors.
I've never seen a mitten stocking before. It's really cute.
That is one giant mitt! Did you make it yourself?
I also wish it was January :( I hate how stressed I get because of Christmas.
Santa is going to have to bring extra goodies to fill that mitt! :)
Merry Christmas!
Nice picture of the gift you gave us GF! Pretty fancy graphic design you did there!
It's still not hung yet, but it will be by tomorrow as M&R are dropping by delivering gifts tomorrow! I want to make sure I show it off in the right way!
Thank you so much again.
As always - WK
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