Tonight, after church, we had a lovely visit at our friends W&J's home. We had a delicious roast beef dinner! W makes the best roasts ever!!! Their 2 adult sons shared in the meal also! It is nice to be able to see each other's children once in a while as they all have their own lives now... Thanks for the lovely evening K family! 8-)

Oven update:
Our oven is still not fixed, so that put a cramp in our children's plans for today. They were going to do the Christmas baking here today as we have a bigger kitchen than they do... Oh well!?! What can you do?
Apparently I will be lucky if it is fixed by Christmas... If not, that means my mother will have to host Christmas day. Judging by the way I have been feeling lately, that may not be a bad thing for me... 8-/
Haven't been doing any sewing of late. Busy making more slippers. Work

I have one spot left for another player for Pay It Forward! Could it, would it, be you?! Please consider joining in on the fun! 8-)
Now, during this busy season, take care while driving, take it easy on the shopping, eat healthy, and don't forget to sit for a cup of tea when you need it! 8-)
Oooo that does look cold. Brrrrr.
Getting stuck in a snowdrift would have been a bad thing in this weather. We have postponed our trip to Grand Forks until after Christmas. I saw that Hwy 29 is still closed all the way to Fargo.
Sorry to hear you are not feeling up to par. Glad you and your husband had a good time at the office party. Sounds like he may have had a bit toooo good of a time! Take care of yourself, Myra. Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like a cold winter up your way. Hope you get your oven fixed soon. What a challenge to cook dinner without an oven!
amazing how the December chill makes quilting move up as an activity on my list -- but slippers, hmmmm those would be a good idea too! :-)
Hope the oven sorts soon -- even if its after you make plans to be elsewhere for Christmas as it does sound a nuisance...
I'm wondering if this cold weather will ever end; minus 40 windchill is not fun at all...
Is that a wedding ring ----- I see in your gift .I can't tell ,is it a runner ?
What is it with appliances at this time of year ,I just had my frig repaired .On one hand you won't have to cook Christmas dinner ,that's a big plus .Good luck
We have no snow here just cold and rain , makes me want to sleep all day .
We knew it was coming..the cold weather that is. Just hard to adjust to, and I for one, am NEVER ready for it. BRRRR...is right! Quilting would be a wonderful way to warm up, if I only had time. Sadly I don't, but may next month. Sounds like you are busy with many parties and activities. It sure makes the time fly by!
THANK YOU for your kind words! And THANK YOU for braving the cold to come and share dinner with us. And THANK YOU again for the lovely gift! :-)
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