Ornaments & Observations...

Well, it's Dec 20th and we finally dragged out our ornaments today... After DH and DS helped with putting the strings of lights and string of beads on the tree, they quickly fell asleep on the couch. DD2 happened to come to help, so we finished up decorating the tree. Here are some of my treasures. Some old and ratty looking, but I love them just the same... 8-)
This tree topper has been in my family for at least 50 years, if not more, and the box of decorations I'm sure just as long. Still the original box too! 8-)
These precious Gnomes have to go into our tree, right against the trunk, every year. They were from a little scene of Log Cutters that my grandparents put out every Winter. There was a little log on supports, and a long saw over it with a little Gnome on each side. I can't recall what happened to the rest of it, but these two little guys I am sure will be around for a very long time yet. DD2 has spoken up for them...one day. 8-)
This little ring ornament was made for me about 15 years ago by a close friend... I think a few of the "nest egg" beads are missing, and the bird has seen better days, but I still love it! 8-)
These paper/cardboard like ornaments have been around for a long while too... since my childhood... 8-)
These are my precious babes... DD2 made the one at school in 1992 as a gift for Mommy and Daddy, and then I cut stuff out for DD1 to make one, and helped DS with his... Can you tell? I plan to do this craft one day with future grandchildren... 8-)
My father made these for our children when they were pre-schoolers. Their names are painted on with gold paint, but I whited their names out in the photo...
Those old ornaments are beautiful! I remember some similar ones from your grandma's tree that were shaped like a soldier/nutcracker (??), a tree, a candle. My favorite "decorations" were the nativity sets that your grandma and my mom had.
I have kept the ornaments and lights and topper from my first Christmas as wife and mother (36 years ago now!!). One day I may surprise daughter M with a retro tree.
I so much prefer old decorations to trendy ones. Memory and tradition are what Christmas is all about in my opinion.
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I love your Christmas tree decorations some of them take me back to my childhood.
The old ornaments are the best, they have so many memories linked to them.
to get photos to enlarge when you click on them in a blog post you ahve to have the photo bigger than its posted. When you take a digital picture and resize it, if you resize it quite small before uploading it to blogger you 1) don't use up your storgae space on blogger too fast but also 2) make it so the picture can't be enlarged much if at all as its already as big as it truly is... If you resize photos to about 640 pixels, and save them, they are "clickable" and generally alrge enough to see some detail without being huge to upload to blogger....
Love the old ornaments, Myra. I have a tree topper like yours also.
I haven't used it for a few years, since a friend made us a beautiful angel topper. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.
I love old ornaments and what they remind you of ...many wonderful memories to look back on.
I love your tree topper, it's s o beautiful..
Hugs Julia ♥
Your ornaments are so special because of their age and all of their other beauties. I love seeing others decorations this time of year. It is like window shopping. Thanks for sharing this.
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