Nativity Scene...
This first Nativity Scene is a combination of my paternal grandparent's stable, and my parent's Nativity set. It is in bad need of a new paint job, but I think I will screw up the beauty of it all.... The camel lost it's head a few times in it's lifetime, and the angel was dropped and broke in two at some point... I think my parents got the set shortly after they were married, so it will be 50 years old soon. I was asked if I wanted my maternal grandparent's set, but it was way too big. I think the camel stood at about 15 -18 inches!!! That would be about 38 - 45 cm tall. All way to big for a proper placement...When my parents handed over their set to us, due to them downsizing, I felt bad cause they did not have one, so I made them a small ceramic scene. It just has Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus, placed in a hollow like cave, in a snow covered pine-tree... Very cute. I will see if I can remember to snap a photo of it next time I am there...
This glass etching of the Nativity was made by our old neighbor Heather about 16 years ago. It is about 5 x 7 inches, so not very big... Looks nice with a tea-light behind it... Heather did a lot of glass etching. Beautiful stuff... 8-)

Beautiful Myra! I love seeing other people's nativities. I would leave the paint job and let it show its age. That is part of its beauty.
I'll be showing mine for my Christmas day post.
They are gorgeous
love and hugs Gina xxx
What a beautiful nativity set! I love how it's a combination of your grandparents' stable and your parent's figures. I don't think that you should paint it - let it age naturally. It speaks of the years of handling - taking the figures out of the tissue to place them each year and the gentle rewrapping after the holiday, for 50 years! Although I have no place for a large nativity set either, it would be awesome to have your grandma's set. I must check to see if my brother has my mom's nativity - I'm sure my sisters do not.
Very nice entry for your blog GF! Really enjoyed seeing that. You will be happy to know that our Priest, when visiting homes, noticed that not many people have put out nativity displays (like in past times I guess) so he reminded us (in the bulletin) the birth of Christ is/should be focus for the season. Having said that, oddly enough, this was the first year that I decided NOT to put one out because I have 3 to choose from, AND I have no room this year. So now I feel bad! So thanks for showing yours! Very nostelgic and spiritual!
Love WK
I agree with everyone else on leaving it as is. How lucky you are to have this! I love nativity scenes. They keep me so focused on the real meaning of Christmas. Thanks Myra for sharing this very special scene with us!
I had my parents set but it was lost when our house burnt down in 1991 (really). Every year at Christmas I still feel sad about that. So cherish yours and don't paint them. They got their charm because they show their history!
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