Been sick and on the couch for a couple of weeks, with not much energy or interest in the computer, but am now on the mend, and hopefully back in action! 8-)
I did get out to my CCC group gathering last night, and here is a bit of eye candy for ya'll...
This is what friend Vf made at Barb's shop, Carellan, at their "I love to sew" session.
At these sessions participants learn a new sewing technique or skill...
The next 2 blocks are for a group quilt going to a gal that is moving to Newfoundland.
This is Vf's...
This is Gb's...
Dl has been making "doggie beds", stuffed with a lot of our fabric and batting scraps, to donate to the Winnipeg Humane Society...
I was going to pass along my scraps to Dl too, but I think I will make the "doggie bed", and then pass it on to her... Less work for her to do then...
What's new here?
MrsFarmer (DD1), has been up and around here for the last few weeks, which is really nice... 8-)
Snow is melting, and Spring is coming!!!
Been seeing more of this little one...
Wondering if the baby bunnies are here already, keeping warm under my deck? They will show themselves eventually... They always do!! 8-)
I had a fur-girl escapee situation while I was sick. Let me say, I was not impressed with the gal that was intruding on my time at my front door when it happened... grrr....
Good thing the "cookie/treat lure" worked fairly quickly half way down the street.
Thank goodness!!!
DD1 "lightened my load" of very annoying hair of late, and it is feeling much better now...
Lots of gray hiding in there, but I guess that it is preparation to becoming a Grandma, right!?! 8-)
I've been organizing a "small group" (row robin gals) retreat for April (which we are all looking forward to), as well as getting back to planning, calculating, and making a sample of my Mystery
My updating of the PhD Blog tallies, and my PhDs have been suffering. I had an appointment to quilt another PhD project, but wasn't well enough to get to it.
Good thing about these things, they never run away, so, it will all get done eventually... 8-)
I hope you have all been well friends/family!!!
Sorry I haven't done much blog visiting lately! Hopefully I can "fix" that in the next few days...
Happy stitchings!