Monday, January 18, 2016

A Family Day...

 I received this photo of our DD2's children just before Christmas. 
Ages; T - 4 yr 5 mon, S - 2 yr 9 mon, and K -  9 mon)
 My daughter and the twins came up from down south between Christmas and the New Year. stayed for a couple weeks. Here F and D at breakfast time. Ages; 3yr 9 mon. The one under the table looks just like his mother at that age.
 And here is DH and myself with all of the grands at our family day at DD2's house.
 We all went to watch T's hockey game late that afternoon. We had a good laugh, as a couple of times during the game, he'd skate by, stopped, and waved to all of us, while the rest of the team were playing the game.
 We also had some time to play outside in the early afternoon. We built a snow fort. Right after this pic was taken, the twins destroyed it, much to the dismay of T and S... That is DS in the back.
Good food. Good company. A lovely day it was!
Yes indeed!



Peggy said...

Oh, so much fun!!! These times can't come often enough, can they!

Annemiek said...

Can t wait untill Quilting DD gives birth to my first granddaughter. Any day now :)
What a great bunch you have there!!

Needled Mom said...

Such cute pictures of the little ones. It sounds like a fun time.