Thursday, January 17, 2013

Photo issues with Blogger...?

Hello blogging friends!

I have a question for you, that I hope someone can answer. I have a private group blog with my quilting gals, and many of them cannot access the photos in their personal computer files. They click on the photo icon on the "new post" page, and everything comes up except the "choose files" option that would bring them to their own photos... Anyone know what that is about?

Would sure appreciate some feedback about this...



Annemiek said...

I had the same issue yesterday for about an hour or 2. With Google Chrome all worked fine, Explorer missed the photo button. According to a Dutch message board, an older version Of Explorer gives problems, so you'll have to get a newer version or install Google Chrome (free)
With me, the problems soved itself after a while (I do have a newer version of explorer)

Paula, the quilter said...

There is a known bug between Internet Explorer and Blogger that won't allow someone using Internet Explorer to upload a photo. The solution is easy: download and install either Mozilla Firefox or Opera. The bug doesn't affect these 2 browsers. I've been a very satisfied user of Mozilla Firefox for years and have never had the problems that I've seen so many other blogger complaining about.

LesQuilts said...

Hi! I just went thru this....
blogger, in their infinite wisdom, have decided they are loosing out money by not charging us space to hold more photos.
A work around is opening a Picassa page to hold your photos. Then from there, when you are in blogger and want to imbed a photo, it wants you to pick from Picasa.
The other day, it would not let me do anything, I think was a web or a blogger activity day.....
After I reopened my Picassa page, blogger seemed to let me post pictures.
Or else, it might be too many photos in your allowance, I had to delete my posts from the past 3 yrs and now I am not having any more probs with pictures. Good luck!
Take care, Leslie

Kate said...

Myra, I've been having the same problem when accessing my blog via Explorer. Having had off and on again issues with Explorer and Blogger, I also have Google Chrome (it's free) loaded on my computer. No problems uploading photos when I access Blogger from there. However, I did check out the Blogger Known Issues blog and found this statement:

"Friday, January 04, 2013
The photo upload icon is not appearing for some users on Internet Explorer. We're investigating the issue and will update this post as soon as we have more information.

In the meantime, you can workaround this issue by using a different browser (such as Chrome or Firefox) or temporarily switching to the Edit HTML mode of the compose editor."

I did try it in Explorer. If you switch over the the HTML mode (in the upper left just above where you type your text), then click on the photo icon in the window, it does open a box that allows you to upload files from your computer.