Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Plans in the making...

Me and my drawings... I love drawing home floor plans! Yup! When we had our former house built, the blueprints were made from a drawing of floor plans I had made. Before we moved to this house, we "had" hopped to build on a property we have, thus I was busy drawing up plans again... Love it! I often thought that I should have taken up architecture when I was young. Hubby says I still could, but.... Anyway, I've been drawing up plans for my sewing room. Thus this photo... Keeps me out of trouble... 8-)

Can you believe it! My poinsettias are still looking great! So are the one's I bought for my parents... 8-)

Photos on this blog here brought back memories of 1965 for me... Thanks Nanci! Check them out! This is the comment I left on that blog;

"I recall, from when I was 5, the winter of 1965, we had a big snow storm that resulted a situation just like this when all was said and done. We lived in and apartment block and my parents were the caretakers, thus Dad had the job of digging a tunnel, yes I said tunnel, on the front sidewalk to the front doors of the building... We have a photo of my dad standing in the tunnel, while my brother and I stood on top... memories... thanks! 8-)"

I shall have to ask my parents about that photo and put it on my blog for you to see...

Very impressive knitting...
Oh my goodness! You all must check out Bugknit. This woman does incredible things with her hands!!! Tiny knitting needles, and beautiful miniature knits! You won't believe your eyes!!! Really!


Joyce said...

I remember that snowstorm in 1965 but we were teaching on a Northern reserve which had no reads or cars so it didn't affect us as much as if we had been living in the city. I'd love to see the picture of it.

Pat said...

I was at a small quilt meeting yesterday in a gal's home and her poinsettias and Christmas cactus were still blooming. I guess they all think it's still winter (which it is)...but I'm wanting to see spring flowers now!!! LOL