Monday, November 30, 2009

Birthdays this past weekend....

We celebrated my dad's 76th and our friend R's 60th birthdays this past weekend. They share the same birthday...today!!!


At R's suprize party we had an unexpected guest join us!!! Mr Spider... at this time of year is very unusual...
J "rescued" Mr Spider by throwing him outside into the freezing cold... hmmm? Instant death by squishing, or a freezing slow death...? It was shortly debated...
Do any of you ever get these "spots" on some of your photos? (2 at back of my bro's head) I've heard from some paranormal TV shows that these are called "spirit orbs". Seeing them on the photo is supposed to mean there is a spirit/s in the room with you... I get them quite often when I take photos at family gatherings... I like to think that our deceased relatives are visiting with us! A nice, comforting thought... 8-)
I have secret project #3 bound and done, with about a third of sp #4 on the go... Here's a peek...
That be it for today...
On to visiting your blogs now...

Happy stitchings!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Good girl, bad girl today...

Good girl - I went to help Pg with her first experience using this machine and a quilt frame...
My first experience too.... 8-)
Bad girl - I slept in and was an hour late... 8-/
Turned out my help wasn't really needed after all, but I stayed and did some stitching on a binding, and did some chatting with some other gals from our quilt group that happened to be there also... Good time... 8-)
Oh! Thanks for lunch Pg!!! Yummy...

Bad girl also cause I bought more fabric... 8-/
BUT... some of it is for making Christmas table toppers... so that can be considered good girl behavior... Right!? lol! 8-)

The 3 fabrics to the left are for the toppers, and the 1 on the right is the extra wide backing fabric for one of my PhDs...
The black and whites are for my collection of same.
I couldn't pass them up at 40% off!!! Could I? 8-)
As usual there were some new class samples hanging in the shop.
This is Ed's gorgeous table topper... Love it!!!
This is Ed's Stack & Whack made from some quilt theme printed fabrics...
A block close up....
Another block close up...Which lead to more bad girl behavior.... FQs...
The devil made me do it!!! I had too!!!
The plan, to use these FQs in a sewing room door hanging... 8-)

That be enough nonsense from me today!!!
Back to my "projects"... #3 is almost done, and 1 more to go!!!

Have a great weekend!
Happy stitchings!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A few Wonky Bits show and tells...


Only 5 of 12 came out for Wonky Bits today... 8-(
...but we did have a grand time! 8-)

This is Jb's Christmas potholders she was binding...
Great fabrics J!!! Looking good!
Pg's potholders... doing binding also... seems like everyone has been doing bindings!!!
Great pattern P, and I like your fabrics... 8-)
Here is a peek at what I was working on today... Doing some free-motion quilting... Tis still a learning experience, but coming along... 8-)

And this is some prep work I cut at our gathering last night... For my next "secret" project... 8-)
Here is Pg's finished Halloween quilt again. Better photo of it for you today than yesterday's was...
Back to my Pfaffy!!!
Happy stitchings everyone! 8-)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Some show and tell....

We had a great gathering tonight of some show and tell, some stitching, solving the world's problems, and planned our Christmas Pot-Luck.

First up we have Ac's Christmas table topper. She was busy hand sewing the binding down tonight... Looking good Ac!!! 8-)
This is Dw's Bargello. It is coming along quite nicely. That bright green really adds some pop to it! Awesome! 8-)
This is one of Ls' place-mats that she was hand stitching the binding down on... Simple but looking awesome! 8-)
This is the result of a Round Robin that Nd took part in. All I can say is she did this with some very talented quilters! It's lovely!!! 8-)
A close-up... 8-)
And finally, we have Pg's Halloween quilt-as-you-go, all done!!!
Looks great with that piano key border! 8-)
We had a great evening, and tomorrow is a Wonky Bits day!!! 8-)
I found an interesting writeup on Kaffe Fassett, which was written by Erin Gafill, I think his niece... Check it out!
DH got 2 flu shots today...?... Still don't know if I'll get the H1N1 shot...?

Happy stitchings!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Enough said...

From an email I received yesterday.
How many of us give a similar message to our young adult children?
Still plugging away at my secret projects... 8-)
Can't wait to reveal them! This is killing me!!! I'm bursting!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Maxine... and a new blogger...

Another wonderful Maxine funny....
Got it in an email today. Thanks Cous! 8-)

"I was in the restaurant yesterday when I suddenly realized I desperately needed to pass gas. The music was really, really loud, so I timed my gas with the beat of the music.

After a couple of songs, I started to feel better. I finished my coffee, and noticed that everybody was staring at me....

Then I suddenly remembered that I was listening to my iPod."

LOL!!! 8-)
I found a fairly new blogger today, Diane. She has some wonderful creations posted. Love her Turkey Table Runner...
Go check it out and say hi! 8-)

Have a great day everyone!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

In the sewing room today, and a great idea!

Another secret distorted photo of a project that had to be distorted even more cause it was showing tooooooo much, plus a little under the needle! Intrigued? lol... 8-)
This is what I've been working on today... Yup! Another PIF! I hope to get them all done and mailed out before the Christmas mail rush...
Big time hoping... 8-)

A wonderful "Recycle, Reuse" idea that I read on Shelly's newsletter from Keepers Quilts, a local quilt shop... Shelly says that she read about the idea on a website, but doesn't recall where... At any rate, whoever came up with this idea, Thanks! 8-)

"Here's a great way to throw your scraps out without feeling guilty. Using an old pillowcase line a garbage bin with it. While you are sewing, throw your scraps of fabric into the pillowcase. When the pillowcase is 2/3's full, sew the pillow case shut and take it down to your local animal shelter. They make great beds for the cats and dogs. They are 100% washable and nice and soft for the animals! The pillow can also be taken home with the animal and helps provide them with a settling in "nest"."

Have a great Sunday!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Today's starts and bargin...

I had some plans for a couple more "secret" projects that really weren't too firm in my mind, but today I had an "AHA" moment while looking through patterns and fabrics, thus I have made some firmer plans... YES!!! 8-)

I got this projects fabrics ironed, cut, ready to go this afternoon, and just got started with my sewing on it tonight, when I had to stop for us to go visit my parents... A last minute plan. Had a good visit!
Tomorrow I will be at it again... I'm pumped!!! 8-)
And I got other project patterns and fabrics ready for cutting this afternoon. Hoping to tackle more of that tomorrow also... 8-)
A new quilting friend, Cb, got a good deal on a whole roll of Warm & Natural (queen size width) and asked me if I wanted about 20 meters of it. What could I say? Saving $50 to $100 depending on where you buy it!?! Who wouldn't!?!?
I was needing some anyway! So Cb dropped by with it this evening, we measured it out, cut it, and I'm a happy camper! 20 meters!!!!! 8-)

Pop on over to Carrie P's blog to see her tute "Coloring on Fabric". Something I think I may try at some point! Carrie used one of Dorothy Baker's blocks, from BOM "Sweet Nostalgia", to do the tute on... By the way, the last link brings you to Dorothy's November block... I'm saving the patterns to work on when I am all caught up on my PhDs (projects half done) Dorothy! 8-)

Have a great weekend people! 8-)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Plugging along at my PIFs...

S from crazy'boutquilts posted links to Rachel's and her use of a plate display rack, used to display quilts!!! It's an awesome idea!!! Very decorative! Love it! 8-)

Following S "Crazy's" lead, I thought I would show my "secret" projects like she has... A much better way of showing. 8-)
I had to distort it even further as you could still "see" what was appliqued on the wall-quilt...

This one is all bound and ready to go... or at least I thought so... In my rush to complete it I for got to put a sleeve on it! Duh!!! Back at it.... Then out the door it will go, with a couple of other goodies...
I shall show it once the recipient has it! I hope she will like it! 8-)

Then it is on to completing this one, and the start of another. On a roll... Very late, but getting done! So better late than never as they say... 8-)
But then, my plan was supposed to have done all this back in September and October when I was sick...
Do you think I will be forgiven?

Links between cell phone use and cancer - Dr.Oz (with 5 steps to follow to stay safe) I think clicking on the photo will bring you to the info.

We are having unbelievably lovely weather here in the middle of Canada this November. We should be shoveling snow, but there is non! We should be wearing boots, thick mitts, scarves and hats, but we are only needing light gloves and "maybe" earmuffs... It should be below freezing during the day, but it is only so at night... I'll take it!!! Do you think I would be lucky enough to experience this till April, when Spring comes!?! 8-)
Most likely not... 8-(

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Another peek...

Top done!! Yay!!! 8-)

All was going well, sewing away, until I realized I had measured wrong and had to do some ripping and rethinking... Tucked in a tiny inner border, and my measuring problem was solved. Kind of good, cause I like how this small inner border is looking!!!
Wanting to machine quilt it tomorrow, and then on with the binding...

Hope you all had a most wonderful weekend! 8-)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day trip to Brandon...

Ugh... 6:30am is for the birds!!! I hit the road at about 7:15am by the time I showered up and finished scraping my van windows... This photo heading west with sun behind me... It was a wonderful drive. Not much traffic... Got to my destination by about 9:45am...
I drove out to meet M from Sipiweske Quilt Designs and her group for a quilt day. I had a lovely day with them, and it was really nice to have met M...
I feel spoiled, as M gifted me with these wonderful goodies...
The Charmed Gift Bag is a pattern from the Moda Bake Shop, and in it was a wonderful rustic looking pincushion... Thanks M! You are a sweetie! 8-)

I managed to get my machine applique done on this secret project... Yippee! Tomorrow I will be piecing and attaching the border...
The drive home found the sun behind me... again!! Best way to drive long distances, with the sun behind you!!! 8-)
I made good time, with a rest stop, and was home by 6:45pm... Very tired, but had a great day!
Took this photo of an old farmyard while driving... Hubby scoffed at me snapping a few photos along the way! I got, "That is worse than talking on the cell in the vehicle!" ... Yup! I wouldn't do it if there was lots of traffic, and there was barely anyone on the road...
But it is still a good photo!!! Well I like it! 8-)
Thanks for the invite and lovely day M!!! I loved seeing your wonderful creations, in the "whole" and in person! lol! 8-)

Time for bed....

Friday, November 13, 2009

Wonky Bits day yesterday...

It was a Wonky Bits day yesterday! We gather twice a month on a weekday. A fun bunch of ladies!!! Always something at hand... 8-)

This is Pg's quilt-as-you-go Halloween quilt. She found she had way too many Halloween prints in her stash, thus a quilt is being made... You saw a peek of these blocks here on the retreat post... Pg was going to call it done at this size, but has decided to add a border. I think she said piano keys...?
Looks great Pg!
This skinny little wonder is of Lp's hands. She needed a long narrow "something" showing winter to hang in a narrow space in her kitchen. I think this guy fits the bill!!! Too cute Lp! 8-)
And Lp finally finished her quilt top of the "Simple Country Sampler"!!! Yay Lp!!! Pattern by Lydia Quigley, The Rabbit Factory. That pattern class is where the two of us first met...?...5-6 years ago? Anyway, mine is not "done" yet either.
...Looks great Lp! 8-)
This is Jb's finished envelope bag. Turned out wonderful Jb! 8-)
Other ladies did envelope bags, but my photos were too blurry to show them... 8-(

These are Es' busy hands. Crochetting away... Lovely work Es! 8-)
I did some more work on my secret projects...

Tomorrow I've got an early departure from home, for a 2 hour drive, to a quilt gathering to meet M of Sipiweske Quilt Designs. I am looking forward to meeting her in person. Apparently, there will be ladies at this event that I will recognize from a retreat I go to out that way once a year...
I best get packing! I was asked to bring some "sew & tell"!!!
Should be fun! 8-)

Have a great weekend everyone!

PS: Surprise, surprise, DD1 now has a boyfriend...
Since Thanksgiving, known him for 5 years, he lives in Wisconsin.
That's just next door, isn't it?!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Goodies bought...

The community club that my Wednesday night group gathers in was closed today, so friend Bb invited whoever wanted to, to come to her shop for the evening . Only 5 (of 20) came out, and we ordered delivery pizza & salad, we gabbed, stitched, and laughed...

I even made some purchases...
Since I was at the shop anyway... lol... 8-)
Fabric (designer Tina Givens), Schmetz needles, and more bobbins...
The Pug notebook was a "just because" gift from Dl. She got one with Golden Retriever pups on it, cause her Annie is a retriever, and saw the pug one and bought it for me...
Isn't that sweet!?! Thanks Dl! 8-)

No sew & tell today... but Wonky Bits tomorrow! 8-)


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Post 2 today! Mail Call...

Oh lookie-lookie!!! lol!!! Giggle, giggle, giggle.... 8-)
A package I won from "Em's Scrapbag" Giveaway is here!!!! Finally!
Em and I were starting to wonder what happened to it!
We thank you MrMailman!!! lol!
Look what Em was so generous in giving!!! All this!!!
Fabrics, a 2-in-1 pattern, and some Steam-a-Seam to boot!!!
Thank you so very much Em!
You can see Em's "Sugar & Spice" quilt here...
...and her "Snips & Snails" quilt here...
They are so darn cute! 8-)
Fun stuff!

This will make a wonderful quilt for that first future grandchild I will one day have!!! (That my hubby doesn't even want to hear mentioned yet!) lol! 8-)

Happy stitchings!

More secrets...

Yesterday had me starting another small secretive project...
Lets just say I had fun with it, and you'll see it... eventually! LOL! 8-)
This is the back...
It's like a game of hide and peek! lol!

Busy, busy! Not much room to cut on the cutting table...Gotta move things to iron...
Sewing table...?... Not too bad...
Wish the fur-girls knew how to tidy up for me...
And clean house and cook! lol! 8-)

A couple in our province won $50 million this past weekend.
Sole winners of the whole thing!!! Biggest win in our province!!!
It is all over the news! OH DO SHARE!!!!
$50 million!!! Can you imagine!?! WOW!

We are having the bestest weather up here!!!
It has been between 9 and 13*C since last Friday.
Very out of the normal for us here!!!
I'll take it! The longer without snow the better! 8-)

Happy stitchings!