First up, AS's Christmas Table Topper. The true colors are not showing up. The colors are very striking in reality, with gold bits in the fabric. It grew in length by another two blocks after this photo was taken. AS found a pic of this on Pinterest, and created it from that.
YN's "I Spy" from our charm exchange. A Zipper pattern. Here she is auditioning fabrics for inner border. We all liked the gold fabric she puller from her BHM box. She had enough of it for a bit in both projects.
To the left of the I Spy is a part of her table topper in progress. Love the effect. True colors not showing.
This Cardinal wall-quilt to be, is our LS's work. Machine applique to be done yet....We all love Cardinals...I think it is because we don't have any where we live. We have Blue-Jays though!
DL's "Disappearing Pinwheel". We had fun playing with the pieces for quite a while, till we came up with this layout. There are lots of ways of making different blocks with these cuts.
My Cousin-in-Law, DT came for a visit during our retreat and showed us some of her latest quilt top creations. This first one was started at our retreat in mid November. She was not enjoying putting the pinwheels together, but now that this top is done, she is thinking of making another!!
lol... Funny how that happens!
A pattern from a magazine. Sorry, don't recall the one she mentioned. The yellows are more vibrant than the photo shows.
DT's Disappearing 4-Patch.
And here, her baby quilts. Girls...
Boys.... She found the pattern on Pinterest I believe.
That be all the eye candy from this weekend!
Happy Stitching!
Back to my BHM clue #2!