Saturday snippets....
Well, the blaaas are still with me, and my mo-jo is still absent, but I managed to sandwich the baby girl quilt today, and the binding was already ready to go. Tomorrow I will start the machine quilting with good old Kenny.
Being that my Pfaffy is still out of commission, I will see if friend Bb will let me use one of the machines in the shop to make the label (letter stitch). Hopefully if all falls into place I will have the quilt done and washed by next Saturday night. The shower is on Sunday... 8-) This quilt will count as "one" of my 5 for Finn's Challenge.
Poor Ruby has had moisture problems in the creases of her nose, and it was starting to look really irritated, so I took her to the vet yesterday just so we didn't en
d up with something worse over the weekend. Well, what was to be just a quick check turned out to be a 3 hour event. If you know Pugs, they don't like fussing on their face or feet...not at all!!! Being that her stitches from her nose job still hadn't dissolved, we agreed to sedate her, that way they could remove the stitches, clean out her wrinkles and see what the problem is...and while we are at it lets cut her nails...
So, she has a bacterial infection, thus I need to clean and apply a medicated ointment... Ya! I know! Good luck with that!!!Poor Ruby was so very out of it (stoned) and cold (first photo) when I brought her home... LOL! This morning she was back to her old self (second photo - click on it and you will see where she is a bit raw)...pestering Dora. 8-) I was kind of worried about her because I lost my first Pug while under the influence of such drugs...
Good friend Wk stopped in for a visit. After their 25th celebration last weekend, her and hubby went to the States for a few days... a second honeymoon! 8-) She brought us a wonderful gift, a "non-drip" insulated teapot from Ikea, AND it doesn't drip!!! Thanks Wk! 8-)
Hope you are all having a good weekend!
Glad that Ruby is okay. Good work on the girl baby quilt. It's gonna look really nice once it's finished.
Your poor puppy so glad she is feeling better .
Could I ask is there rubber or something on the bottom of that tea pot ?There's a Ikea in Burlington I may have to go have a look .The wedding ring mat under the tea pot is also pretty .
I'm glad Ruby os OK now, or getting there.
Don't fret about losing your mojo. It'll come back when it's ready
Love and hugs Gina xxx
A non-drip teapot sounds like a WONDERFUl gift! I must have at least a few pots worth of tea mopped up in dishcloths by now...
Poor puggie!! I hope the nose is all better by now :(
Just spotted what I thought was a placemat is a table topper on your sidebar. Love the doble wedding ring table topper, what a great idea to use that pattern. Very effective.
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